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Thursday 22 October 2009

Open Source

Sam: Thanks for the update; you’re right, the barcode scanner is v cool; I even have a free one for my Android….god bless open source!

Patrick: Yeah, god bless it to an extent but as a development platform Android is a total nightmare for applications, it takes on average 3 times longer to develop a like-for-like app with their SDK as it does with the i-phone SDK so the operating system is almost irrelevant, it’s open source in one respect but it’s hardly linux and has as many restrictions (if not more) than apple hence less people develop on it. Sure Google will be improving it very soon though, was def a reason Eric Schmidt decided to leave the Apple board a couple of months ago! – I’m still smartphone-less but I think I am going to go for the i-phone once I can sell my i-pod. I know apple will continue to make native apps and not embrace web apps that are cross platform but ultimately they have the coolest music apps I’ve seen and I spend most of my time on last fm and spotify. Android would have to improve their quantity and quality of apps within their app store before I invested in it. At least it isn’t a blackberry though – they really are sh*t at the app game. They don’t even have a store pre-installed on their handsets and you have to navigate a krypton factor style puzzle before you can view the price of any of their apps!

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